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Are you unsure which product is best for your bird?


Handfeeding may be necessary if, for example, the parent bird dies or the parents refuse to feed. Wisbroek offers products specially developed for hand feeding of young birds including parrots, softbills and small (tropical) birds.

Wisbroek Universal Handfeeding

Before: Avis Cibum Handopfok Extra Plus

Specially developed as handfeeding for the young of small (tropical) birds, including canaries.

From: € 13.95

Wisbroek Softbill Handfeeding

Specially developed as handfeeding for young of softbills.

From: € 18.95

Wisbroek Parrot High Fat Handfeeding

Specially developed for handrearing young parrots that need a diet with a high fat content.

From: € 14.10

Wisbroek Parrot High Protein Handfeeding

Handfeeding specifically developed for handrearing young parrots that need a low-fat diet.

From: € 13.95